Empowering SMEs through Innovative Clearing Solutions

by | Jul 31, 2023 | Uncategorized

Clearitt is trailblazing a path to transform business finance, bringing a powerful change that will reshape how businesses conduct financial transactions. By offering clearing as a substitute for traditional payments, Clearitt eliminates inefficiencies, reduces costs, and liberates SMEs from some of the constraints that have hindered their growth.

Our Vision
At Clearitt, we are driven by a vision to empower SMEs, foster cooperation, and democratise clearing, historically limited to banks. I call this much-needed innovation “Cooperative Payments” for many reasons, and I see it as a very re-empowering business practice. It will challenge the legacy financial system and will benefit millions of everyday businesses and people worldwide. This is my vision and my mission—to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable financial ecosystem, empowering SMEs to thrive in today’s fiercely competitive landscape.

How Clearitt Empowers SMEs
At Clearitt, our clear vision is to help businesses overcome the challenges of working capital and cashflow. Our platform empowers businesses to refocus on their core operations, free from financial inefficiencies. With our low performance-based fee, SMEs can achieve remarkable cost-savings compared to traditional financial solutions. For example, if Clearitt eliminates $10,000 in cash payments for a user, our fee would be a mere $10, which is significantly lower than selling an invoice or borrowing the same amount. This cost-efficient approach enables SMEs to optimise their working capital and financial processes with unprecedented ease.

Access to Powerful Networks
One of the unique strengths of Clearitt lies in its ability to harness the power of networks. Similar to how LinkedIn works, Clearitt will have access to the vast networks of all signed-up companies. This invaluable resource will guide us in making informed decisions and strategically approaching potential partners, thereby empowering signed-up companies even more.

Join Our Transformative Journey
You have the opportunity to be part of Clearitt’s transformative journey. As we advance to the next phase of our Crowdfunding Campaign, we invite you to participate as a valued investor. Your support and investment play a crucial role in realizing our vision.

Thank you again for your interest in Clearitt.

Best regards,

Richard Johnsson

Founder and CEO

Clearitt Australia Pty Ltd


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