From Our Founder
My vision is evolving cashflow management for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), bringing fairness and simplicity to a level playing field.
My mission is empowering businesses and people with innovative and cooperative cashflow management solutions that make life easier.

About Us
At Clearitt, our mindset and responsibility is to game-change the rules of B2B cashflow management, allowing it to function with equity and simplicity.
For an SME, we understand the accounts receivable and payable process can be draining, both in time and resources. So we asked two critical questions. How can we advance cashflow management practices? How can we foster more integrity and transparency in the process flow?
Our vision is one of fairness. We see it as the fair play finance evolution. We want to remove the inefficiencies of the traditional cash management system, which put undue stress on time, cashflow and working capital. Bringing invoice clearing to every business and creating a new way for SMEs to streamline invoice management and optimise cash flow.
The idea of re-empowerment is integral to our innovative Fintech platform. We want to enable power to be channelled directly back to the business community where it can have a multiplier effect. To kickstart the evolution of a level playing field where businesses can cooperate, and reduce or eliminate the need for cash payments.
A B2B world where enterprises can free up time, money and working capital, so they can focus on the activities most important to their success.
Clearitt. We’re changing finance to fair.
Behind our robust software is our caregiver mindset. One that is fuelled by our sense of ethical responsibility and a desire to help by sharing our knowledge. Clearitt is here to remove unnecessary and archaic barriers, helping businesses to improve their workflow and flourish.
Clearitt was conceived with the insight that business practices can prosper through transparency, openness and trust. Agile, fluid and flexible, we exist to foster the growth of a cooperative finance framework for SMEs. One that is grounded in both ethical practice and simplicity.
Ours is a movement mindset. Clearitt is dedicated to creating a shift in the balance of power in cashflow management. Channelling power back to the SME business owner through a cooperative and secure fintech software that makes life easier. We’re building a groundswell, fostering a community that thrives together.
We want to share and embed a new future for B2B cash management. With our innovative and user-friendly fintech software, Clearitt levels the playing field, bringing clearing to every business. Creating a new way for SMEs to streamline invoice management and optimise cashflow. Saving time and money, and removing cash flow stress.

201 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000