The 6T System to Evaluate an Investment Opportunity – Applied to Clearitt

by | Aug 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

The so-called 6T System is often used by professional investors, like venture capitalists and angel investors when evaluating an investment opportunity. Let us see how Clearitt fares.

#1 Team
Are you betting on the horse, or are you betting on the jockey? A founder with a deep understanding of the problem and the solution is crucial. A founder with past international experience at an executive level and a stellar track record in sales should be very reassuring. This combined with the expertise of our diverse team ensures a solid foundation for Clearitt’s success. A great jockey with a great horse.

#2 Total Addressable Market
Is the market size large enough for the company to scale? Clearitt targets the massive B2B payments market, with a potential revenue of $4 billion annually in Australia alone. This is very rare.

#3 Technology
Is the technology appropriate and functional? Clearitt’s existing advanced platform leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver cooperative payments in a very simple and user-friendly way.

#4 Timing
Is the market ready for the solution or is it too early? Clearitt’s timing is perfect, riding on the wave of technological advancements like APIs and cloud computing to revolutionise business finance. Favourable regulations, user-friendly UI/UX and the launch in a weaker part of the economic cycle further amplify Clearitt’s potential for success.

#5 Terms
Are the terms fair? Clearitt is offering you to own ordinary shares, just like everybody else in the company. There are no complex cap tables to take into account and the valuation is the only thing standard about Clearitt.

#6 Theme
Is the solution a game-changer and something an investor easily can relate to? Clearitt’s solution is highly disruptive and easy to relate to. Clearing is a time-tested practice, we know it works and most people already do it on a small scale with friends, family and business partners.

BONUS T #7 10X
Professional investors like venture capitalists (VC) and angel investors need to believe the investment can make a 10X return. There is no doubt about Clearitt’s potential upside. “This is the biggest upside I have come across”, said an Aussie VC. “This is something Elon Musk would do”, said a European investment banker.

BONUS T #8 Traction – BIG NEWS
Is there some proof of traction? Clearitt has a sufficient waitlist of small- and medium-sized businesses that want to get going with our current fee structure. We are happy to announce that we are bringing on board our first customers this week. This means that we have moved beyond being “just” a great idea with a prototype. Clearitt is for real now.

Objectively speaking, by applying the 6+2T System to Clearitt’s offer, it looks strong. It of course comes with risks but also an unusually spectacular upside.

And please help us by sharing this opportunity with friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you again for your interest in Clearitt.

Best regards,

Richard Johnsson

Founder and CEO

Clearitt Australia Pty Ltd


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